Treatment consists in inhaling therapeutic aerosol produced by the means of ultrasound application – iodide brine or brine with addition of medication. Therapeutic substances, absorbed in the respiratory tracts, cleanse the respiratory system, moistens respiratory mucous membranes, reduce the symptoms of chronic pharyngitis, rhinitis and laryngitis. They supplement the treatment of bronchial and pulmonary diseases, have a positive therapeutic effect in the respiratory system allergies, and are used in treatment and prophylaxis of occupational diseases – vocal exhaustion, work in unfavourable conditions (dusts, high temperature, chemical substances).
Treatment of chronic subacute sinusitis and allergic rhinitis. By means of a RINOCLEAN device, the solution of iodide brine with medication, broken up by ultrasonic power, is administered into the sinuses. After a series of treatments, sinuses are cleansed, oedema of mucous membrane in sinuses is reduced, enlarged nasal conchas get shrunk. This results in restoration of the correct tract of respiration, which so vital for the entire organism.
It consists in supplying the organism with active oxygen. Indications: chronic inflammations of the upper respiratory tract, spastic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, ischaemic heart disease, slimming, exhaustion and overstrain, and prophylaxis of headaches, depressions and neurosis. Contraindications for inhalation treatment refer to patients that suffer from epilepsy.
Trening na platformie to ratunek dla osób którym brak czasu na codzienną gimnastykę, fitness czy ćwiczenia na siłowni. W czasie zabiegu wykonuje się proste ćwiczenia na wytwarzającej drgania i poruszającej się w różnych kierunkach platformie. Drgania przenoszone są na wszystkie mięśnie zmuszając je do intensywnej pracy, równocześnie redukując tkankę tłuszczową. Zabieg odchudza, wzmacnia mięśnie, ścięgna i stawy. Poprawia kondycję i sprawność ruchową, zmniejsza cellulit. Pobudza wytwarzanie kolagenu i elastyny co sprawia, że skóra wygląda na bardziej napiętą i młodszą.
Stone massage was already used in ancient times. In this type of massage, specially selected basaltic stones that have been smoothed by natural forces in the oceans are applied. The therapist uses many stones of various shapes and sizes. The excellent heat retention of the stones allows the heat to penetrate deep into the muscle tissue. Combing the heat of the stones with adequate techniques of relaxation massage, lymphatic massage and acupressure relaxes and regenerates the body. The mood, soothing music, pleasant aromas decrease muscle tension. The therapy has a beneficial effect on the skin and the nervous system. It produces deep relaxation of the mind and the body.
Beer was already used to refresh the face and the body by ancient Egyptian women. The medicinal properties of beer such as brewer’s yeast, malt, hop and carbon dioxide, penetrate deep into the skin and tissues. A beer bath revitalizes and moisturizes the skin, improves its colour and gives it a rejuvenated appearance. It reduces muscle tension, relaxes, smells nicely, and helps to reduce fatty tissue.
It is the oldest way of regenerating the human body and its stamina which consists in alternate heating and cooling of the body. Indications: susceptibility to infections, predisposition to colds, chronic bronchitis, idiopathic hypertension at its first stages, low blood pressure, disorders of capillary circulation (cold hands and feet), arthrosis, non-inflammatory disorders of the spine, disturbances of metabolism, obesity, diabetes, chronic rheumatic diseases, post-traumatic states of the motor organs and in gynecopathy.
Everyone is exposed to stress in their daily lives. The harmful impact of stress is not only dependent on the intensity and type of stimuli, but also on the adaptability and resistance to stress. One of the aims of the therapy is to get the knack of achieving “inner peace of mind” and complete mental calmness. After a series of healing treatments, the patient becomes more resistant to stress, easily copes with the problems of everyday life, shows tolerance and understanding to people he/she meets at work and at home.
f we want to improve our condition, we are in the process of rehabilitation after injuries, we are fighting overweight, Nordic Walking is an ideal sport. When walking with poles, we significantly relieve joints, especially knee joints (we carry about 5 kg less with each step). Walking with poles after a long day of work is the best remedy for overloading headaches, spine or knee joints.
An exercise machine for running or walking. A treadmill exercise is recognized as one of the best workouts that burn fat and improve physical fitness. This type of exercise works muscles of the whole body, irrespective of the weather conditions. Running on treadmills is almost the same as running on natural paths outdoors, but is gentler for the joints as the running belt has absorbs shock to a greater extent than a park path or asphalt. A treadmill exercise is individually adjusted to the patient’s motor, circulatory and respiratory efficiency.